Monday, July 30, 2012

1 Month

Hard to believe Ezra turned one month old yesterday and time to take the traditional month birthday picture in the big chair:)  If you don't know what I'm talking about you can see Callie's here and one of Ty's here and Gabe's here:).  He is a strong little guy and loves to try and hold his head up and look around at everything.  He also likes to fight sleep and has to be wrapped up tight and cuddled close to drift off for nap.  He eats around 4 oz. every 3 hours except at night where usually he gets up once between 2 and 3 and then is up for the day between 6 and 7.  He likes to be cuddled and he likes to move.  He tolerates the bouncy seat a little bit but only if someone is bouncing it for him.  He has a big audience most of the time who think that everything he does is the cutest and funniest thing in the world, no matter if its burping, sneezing, yawning or tooting:)  He continues to look most like Ty in the face and still has lots of dark hair(although it seems to be picking up hints of auburn here and there)  We are eagerly anticipating getting out first real(not gassy) smiles soon!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Summer Days

Our summer has been somewhat different this year because of this little guy.
But we are finding our new normal and Ezra is beginning to fit in with our family.  He always has an admiring crowd around him even when he is hanging out in his bouncy seat.
He's also never short on people who want to hold him either.  Some of them do a better job then others:)

Even with all the excitement of the new baby we have managed to squeeze in a few normal summer activities.  Our favorite being the aquatic center.  When I was pregnant I loved to go so I could be less heavy:)  Now the big kids and Carl have gone and I've stayed home with the baby but one night we all went and hung out since it wasn't so unbearably hot.  Since I wasn't swimming this time I managed to get a few pictures of our little fishies.  Here's my princess fish ready to hop in the water.
and her biggest brother giving us the thumbs up.
and Ty doing his absolute favorite thing at the pool. 

We love the pool!

Hopefully someday Ezra will love it as much as his big sister and brothers but for now this is what he was up to the whole time we were there.
Nothing better then lounging by the pool on a beautiful summer evening.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Ezra's Newborn Pictures

We have a friend from church who is a great photographer and is moving away soon so she was offering a great price to do pics and you get to have the CD with the images.  You can't beat that so we arranged to have her do Ezra's newborn pictures.  Here are some of my favorites from our photo session.

and we had all 4 pose for a few pictures as well. 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Uncle Pete's Wedding

This past Friday/Saturday we traveled to Iowa City for my brothers wedding.  We were able to stay with some friends and it worked out great with the new baby.  Friday we attended rehearsal and dinner.  The kids did pretty well despite having to sit for awhile and HOT temperatures.  Saturday we were able to relax a little in the morning and then we got ready and make it to the church for pictures.  Here we are waiting for the wedding to begin!
My handsome little one week old did great for the whole wedding.  Stayed asleep in Daddy's arms!
My brother and his bride.
At the reception the kids liked visiting the candy table, had fun taking turns on the iPad and of course checked out the dance floor a few times.

Baby Ezra was able to meet several friends and family members this weekend, including Great Uncle Bone
I love this picture of the boys.

We took a little time out in the heat to try and get a first family of 6 photo.  It's hard to get everyone to look at the same time!

This ones not too bad!
Once the dance started Callie loved being out there dancing her heart out.  She even got her Daddy to join her for awhile.

She even wanted to do the dollar dance with Uncle Pete.
After dancing a bit the boys decided to join in the fun as well.  Gabe showing off his break dancing moves and all.

Danielle(who is wonderful and came with to help us out!) got in on the fun as well!
and at the end of the night we had 4 very tired kids(and parents!)
Sunday morning we were able to visit with family and have breakfast.  Great Grandma Max got to hold Ezra for a bit.
and when we got home I tried Ezra out in his bouncy seat for awhile.  Love those eyes!

My sweet baby boy!