We have a 3 year old at our house! It was a great weekend with lots of fun, family and friends and oh yeah food. Gabe woke up on Saturday morning and came into our bedroom and the first thing he said was "It's my party today!" He was so excited. The day started out rather interesting as Daddy and Gabe went on a daddy date do

wn to Ankeny where they were going to enjoy pancakes at IHOP and then go watch cars in the theater room at the home show house. Well about half way down Carl's car sputtered and wasn't quite running right so they took it straight to Big O to get in looked at, while they were looking at they did get to go have pancakes at IHOP but the car was going to take awhile so they got a ride to the ho

me show house from Josh and just hung out until they heard back about the car. It apparently just sputtered because it was so low on gas before Carl filled it up that it had some air or something in the gas line no big deal however the back brakes were completely gone and were rubbing metal on metal and they were leaking fluid so new brakes for the Sunfire. In the meantime Carl's parents were on their way down to look at the home show house so Carl and Gabe ended up just riding back to Ames with them since he needed to get home to start smoking the meat for the party. Satu

rday was a gorgeous day until right at 5:00 when the started party started and then of course it dumps rain, wouldn't have been such a big deal if the majority of our tables wouldn't have been outside. It didn't last too long though and Gabe had a blast playing with his friends and family who made it to the party. He loved his

tractor cake and all his presents and did a pretty good job of blowing out the candles. It was a great day! He was a bit confused about his birthday being on a different say then his party though. Yesterday when he woke up we told him happy birthday and for a long time he insisted that it was not his birthday but I think we finally convinced him otherwise. We had birthday pancakes for breakfast in the morning and then w

e got to go swimming in the afternoon. Gabe is little fish. He loves the water and is not afraid at all! I think I need to sign him up for swimming lessons. Ty liked the water too and kept forgetting that it was a little too deep to crawl around in like he does in our bathtub. He got more then one mouthful of water I think. In the evening we met my parents at Hickory Park and Gabe got his birthday sundae. He was a little apprehensive until they started

singing to him and th

en he got a huge grin on his face. We also got his picture in our chair. I leave with a few progression pictures of our big 3


Gabriel Quintin Clark 6-23-05

Gabe at 1 month 7-23-05



Happy Birthday Gabe! I hear 3 is the new 2, so watch out Hollie :)
Man, he looks so old in that last picture!
Happy Birthday Gabe!
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