What a busy weekend around here! Friday was a gorgeous day so my mom and I took the boys to Reiman Gardens in the late morning. Gabe loved it! He loved everything, the

butterflies, the spitting frogs, the chimes he could jump on and make noise but mostly the trains in the children's garden. I think he probably would have stood there and watched them all day if we would have let him. It took some coaxing to get him to move onto the next thing. Friday evening my parents took the boys and Carl and I worked the homeshow house again. I enjoyed working Friday evening as the crowd


not quite so big and I never felt the overwhelmed feeling of all the people in the house at once. It was nice and it was a beautiful night. Saturday Ty turned 10 months old! We once again struggled to get a good picture in the chair as Ty wants to be on the go constantly, and Gabe wanted in on the action as well so I think we got a couple good ones. we were able to take my parents down to the homeshow on Saturday also, while Allison(thank you so much we really really really appreciate it!) watched our boys. It was fun to show t

hem J-Corps house and all the others. Saturday night we had nursery at church so we played with Ty and all his little girlfriends(he was the only boy the majority of the time) Sunday we celebrated Father's Day with my parents and Pete who instead of trying to maneuver him way from Cedar Rapids Airport(he was in CA all week on business) decided to come to Ames so he could do some laundry since North Liberty(just north of Iowa City) is supposed to be conserving water. After lunch we went to the Ames Airport and saw the old Barnstormer bi-level airplanes, I didn't have my

camera so I took pictures with my mom's camera and she is supposed to be emailing me the pictures, I will post them when I get them. Gabe loved the airplanes and kept asking if he could go up in the sky in them. You could ride for 50 dollars per person per ride but I have the feeling Gabe

may have been too small and Carl would have gladly gone with him but that would have been 100 dollars for a ride which is not in the budget at the moment. It was fun to get to cele

brate Ty's first fathers day with Carl. We got him a smoker attachment for his grill so he can be the smoked meat king now! We are so blessed to have such a wonderful Daddy and husband! Thanks so much for everything you do for us Carl, We love you so much!

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