I say that because if you've seen the movie you know that Bill Murray's character wakes up and does the exact same thing day after day, that's what it feels like around here. We have still been very busy and still have the sickies:( On Friday afternoon town was absolutely crazy, we had gotten a lot of rain in a short period of time and half the town was flooded so traffic was nuts. In the midst of the nuts traffic I thought Ty felt awfully warm so I took his temp and sure enough 102. I called the Dr. right away and they could get him in that afternoon and with Carl being sick earlier in the week I thought it best not to wait for Monday. Sure enough poor little Ty had double ear infection, the Dr. said they were nasty

ones, too. The picture of him in the chair is right after our appointment, he doesn't really look like he's feeling well either. He got some medicine and by Saturday morning he did seem to be feeling better. We were supposed to go up to Algona Friday night but since Ty had the ear problems we decided it best to stay home in case he had a bad night. Saturday morning we got up and he seemed to be doing better and no more fever so we headed up to Algona, dropped the boys off at Carl's parents house and Carl and I went to the Memorial service for my dad's cousin and then out to lunch with some family afterwards. While we were away Gabe helped Grandpa Matt plant a few trees and got to drive around the tractor and mower, he had lots of fun! Ty helped Grandma Nancy some. When we got

back Gabe was just finishing up his lunch but was ready to move onto more tractors and go see Uncle Bone. We got to the farm and Gabe immediately asked to ride the tractor. The fields were rather wet so no working in the fields on Saturday but Gabe got a tractor ride down the road and that was good enough for him. He also got a mule(the motorized type) ride and just had fun running all over the farm. We left mid afternoon from there and drove back to Ames just a little late for our friend's little girl's birthday party. We had two very tired little boys on the ride back. When we got to the birthday party Gabe caught his 2nd wind and he and Brady had fun playing with the backhoe in the sand and got pretty dirty so bath's for everyone that night. Sunday we met some new friends who just moved here from South D

akota at church and were able to show them around and then met my parents for lunch. Then we headed down to Huxley for an open house of a friend and someone Carl used to work with, he just got done building a new home and had an open house for his new business. That afternoon we came home and gave the boys much needed naps and then took them over to my parents place to play so Carl and I could finally go see Prince Caspian and run a few errands, that's when all the fun started, when we got home from Sam's with all our freshly bought produce and meat we discovered our refrigerator and freezer were no

t working, everything in the freezer was mush and had to be thrown out and the fridge was not as cold as it should be. Carl plugged it into a different outlet and thought it felt as if it were getting cooler so thought maybe our outlet had just blown, as it is a brand new fridge and we put the groceries away, went to the movie and then got a few more things at Hy-Vee, this morning we discovered it was not working right and Carl is in the process of calling about getting it fixed now. I am trying not to be too upset about wasting all that money on groceries, but so far this morning I am not too successful at that. It is still under warranty but it doesn't replace the 200 dollars worth of food it ruined. Anyway on a happier note we have new flowers blooming in our yard everyday it seems, here are a few pictures of our back yard. Hopefully my next post won't revolve around being so

busy and s

ick boys(and broken fridges)!

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