Wow long time no blog. It hasn't been a boring November exactly I guess I just haven't taken very many pictures. We celebrated Carl's birthday on the 19th. The kids were pretty excited to help him blow out the candles on his birthday cinnamon rolls.

Those yellow towel things in the picture were part of maybe the best part of Carl's birthday weekend. They came from the ISU vs. Oklahoma State game the night before. We had tickets from Carl's work and a babysitter(Thanks Danielle!) and were able to go watch our very own Cyclones take down the #2 Cowboys in 2 overtimes! The day of his birthday my parents watched the kiddos so we could enjoy both of our birthday presents with great seats to the musical Wicked in Des Moines. We were going to celebrate afterwards by meeting everyone at Hickory Park for supper since we went to a matinee performance but we forgot the All State Music festival was in town that day and wow talk about a busy place. We went somewhere else to eat and all had a great day celebrating Carl's birthday. The rest of our month was relatively uneventful of course uneventful with 3 adventurous little ones can sometimes be rather messy.

If you guessed that is powdered sugar all over you'd be right. Callie decided to make it snow in the kitchen I guess. Look at that face. Guilty but loving that sweetness.

We spent the end of this month celebrating Thanksgiving with my family and then heading up to Algona to help out at the tree farm Friday morning through Sunday evening. I have lots of pictures from our time in the trees but I'll save that for the next post. Just so I have a good start to December:)