Just a bunch of Iowans on an extended adventure in The Lone Star State.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
The Big Day
I had my 2nd official doctors appointment today. I say official because I have actually had to go several times for random other things, some simple, some a little scary but all has been well each time so we are thanking God for watching over this baby, although my fear from all of these issues is that we will be having a red headed little girl(if you know our red head and our girl you would know what I mean by that statement, but I love them to death!). Anyway everything looked good at our appointment. My doctor(who is wonderful and I love and is one of the reasons I am sad this is our last baby because I won't get to go see her regularly anymore) found a strong heartbeat right away. I love the sound of the babies heartbeat on the Doppler, so reassuring that everything is well. Everything else looked good as well and she looked at the calendar and we went ahead and penciled in our c section date. She gave me a choice between July 6th or July 10th. July 6th was out as it is the day before my brothers wedding and if I have my way I won't be in the hospital on my brothers wedding day so we decided on July 10th, it should be easy to remember since it is exactly one month before our anniversary. Now I have known since our less then perfect, completely opposite of plan birth of Gabe that baby will come when it wants but we are hoping that he/she cooperates and arrives on the 10th. Callie waited until her scheduled day so we do have hope:). My next appointment is an ultrasound on Valentines Day, we are excited to see our little baby again and no we will NOT be finding out if the baby is a boy or a girl, I need something to look forward to after the IV insert(usually not an easy thing for me) and the spinal:). Sorry no pictures today I really haven't taken any since Christmas.
Friday, January 6, 2012
All He Wanted
for Christmas were his two front teeth:) Since this will hopefully be the only Christmas Gabe is front toothless I just had to snap this picture of him before we took down the tree. His first front tooth was knocked out last spring in an unfortunate mouth to truck accident and he just recently lost the other. Here's hoping both are in by next Christmas!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Christmas Time Was Here
Hard to believe Christmas has come and gone already. Especially this year since we are experiencing unusually high temperatures for this time of year as well as no snow so it almost feels like we are still waiting on Christmas. I won't complain but I am certain we are in for it once the snow does start falling. We spent Christmas day at home in the morning. The kids didn't get up too early(especially Callie who the boys had to wait for to get up before going downstairs to do presents:) Looking through the stockings(love that girls bed head)

After stockings we passed out the presents. We were smart this year and wrapped each kids presents in their own type of paper that way we didn't have to put on tags. Callie got this shirt and slippers and insisted on putting them on right away. Guess we should have gotten her some pants too so her legs didn't get cold during her fashion show.
Here is Ty with one of his gifts. Francesco Bernouli from Cars 2.
I took a video of Gabe opening the present that we thought he would be most excited about, which he was excited but the video option on blogger has been taking longer then I am patient enough to deal with right now so here is a picture of Gabe and Ty opening their together gift.
They actually got a 2 person blow up sled that goes really fast down hills, hopefully(or not?) they will have some snow to use it on soon:) The rest of the morning we ate cinnamon rolls and hot cocoa and watched the kids play with their gifts. Later in the afternoon we went over to my parents house to do gifts and dinner. Here is Callie with one of her big boxes(she really was excited to open presents but for some reason the only pictures I got of here there were with the serious face)
Here's Gabe with his Lego launch pad with rocket, I think he likes it:)
Callie also got a present too big to wrap. This kitchen set. I tried to get her to look at me so I get her picture with it but she was too busy playing and checking it out she never would cooperate with me.
After gifts we ate supper and had fun playing the quarter game. Even Gabe got in on the quarter game fun this year. We had a great Christmas day just spending time with family and relaxing a little. On the 26th we headed down to Andrea and Alan's place in Red Oak for the Carl's family Christmas. I didn't get a ton of pictures but I did get this one of Callie holding her baby cousin Addie, so cute!
The kids loved getting to play together and us adults enjoyed good food and opening up our new favorite toys(iPads!) We decided instead of heading all the way back home that night we drove over to Omaha and got a good deal on a motel room. The kids love staying in hotels and of course getting to swim! After swimming and breakfast the next morning we were able to meet up with Carl's family again for lunch and little shopping. I took these pictures of the kiddos at the outdoor mall area in Omaha.

There was even a ferris wheel inside the Scheels store.
After a little shopping we headed to the Old Market area for lunch at a great restaurant. We walked around the Old Market area for just a little bit until our kids were starting to get tired out(and mom was getting worn out chasing them) We decided with the lack of naps the day before we would head for home after that. We did end up taking a brief detour on our way out of town though. My uncle had mentioned how to get to the train park the last time we were in town but since is was 110 degrees we decided to skip it but this time we thought we'd check it out(and see if we remembered how to get there) We did find it and the kids had fun running off a little energy around the trains.

After the trains we headed home. We spent New Years Eve at home this year watching a movie and just spending time together as family(with an unwanted guest early in the morning but that is a different post) and New Years day we spent with my Dad's family in Des Moines. I got worse and worse at getting pictures the more Christmas's we had so I don't have any to show from our time there(Aunts and Uncles if you are reading this maybe you could email me a few:) We had a great time just visiting and eating lots of good food. We hope you and your family had a very blessed holiday season as well. Thanks so much to all our family for the great food, fellowship and gifts. We are so blessed to have you all!
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