Since we had a long weekend and not too many plans we decided to venture to Des Moines to the Farmer's Market. It had been several years since we had been there, at least before Ty was born and Gabe had seen things on PBS kids about Farmers Markets and he wanted to check it out. Wow was it crowded, I don't remember it being quite so crazy the other times we have gone of course we didn't have 3 kids with us then either. I didn't get any pictures of the market since it was so busy but the boys enjoyed mini-donuts and we finally found the sweet corn we were looking for(which was a big disappointment but anyway) after the Farmers Market we asked what he thought and he replied "well I thought there would be more toys" guess he wasn't all that impressed. Since we parked down by the science center we decided to make an impromptu visit. The boys could have stayed and played at this thing all day if we would have let them.

The picture above is Carl's face can you tell?
These conveyer belts were also a big hit.

Callie even got in on the fun a little.

Gabe and Carl built a rocket and launched it,

they must have done a good job because it stuck in the back net, I didn't get a picture since I was with Ty but he was so excited. Gabe also enjoyed the area about space. He liked changing this sphere into the different planets but he was a little dispointed that Saturn didn't have rings when he changed it to Saturn.

We ended our visit broadcasting a little weather.

Saturday night Carl and I were able to go out without the kids and get some errands done. We ate a lovely dinner at Sam's Club(hey you can't beat both of you eating for $4.95) and got some stuff for Sunday. Sunday was rain, rain and more rain. I had to work nursery at church and Carl's parents came down to visit for the day so they stayed at home and enjoyed pancakes. Carl's sister, brother in law and family came for an early supper that night and since it was raining it was an early night for everyone. We did do some sparklers with the boys Sunday night which they loved.

This was the look on Ty's face when Carl would light the sparkler, determination and maybe a little fear:)

We did get to see a rainbow in the sky while we were out doing sparklers.

The fireworks were rescheduled for this coming Saturday so maybe we will watch them then. Monday we had a lazy morning. I took Ty and ran some errands and we brought home a pizza which we took to Ada Hayden and had a picnic and then walked around the lake. It was humid but we still had a good time. We watched some friends little girls Monday night for their anniversary. Gabe and Ty always have tons of fun playing with Brenna. Even though it was wet it was a good long weekend.