We were able to get mens basketball tickets from Carl's work for the ISU basketball game on Saturday. Gabe and Carl were supposed to go with Gabe's friend Brady and his Daddy but Brady was sick all week and feeling really rotten on Saturday so he wasn't able to come. Gabe was bummed that Brady didn't get to come and he had to go to the game with his mom and little brother instead but oh-well. My mom and dad kept Callie at their house during the game since it fell during her nap time and she slept the whole game for them, it was nice not to have her wiggling all over the place:) Carl's work also gets wristbands to Johnny's(they designed it as well!) so we took the boys there for some pregame snacks. When we got to our seats I tried to get the boys to stand for a picture in front of the court for me but little fingers had smeared up my lens so it didn't look very good.

Once the game started Ty was very intent of knowing where Cy was at all times. However when Cy actually walked right up the stairs by our row of seats, he jumped out of my lap and into Carl's lap who was farther away, Cy was great from a distance but not such a fan up close. Gabe on the other hand was practically jumping into the aisle so he could give him a five. I snapped a picture too(I cleaned my lens, much better!)
During the game both boys would cheer and clap some and they liked the music.
This is what Ty was interested in.
Popcorn and more popcorn and even more popcorn.
He ate three small bags during the game.
At halftime we went to Johnnys again and got some treats, they had cookies, scotcharoos, and brownies which the boys thought was great(they have free appetizers, cookies, popcorn, lemonade, hot chocolate, coffee for those who are at a certain donor level to the athletic department)
Cy came in as well and this time Ty while shy at first actually gave him a five, he was very proud of myself, unfortunately I didn't get a picture.
During the 2nd half I tried to snap a few self portraits of Gabe and I but he wasn't cooperating.
Daddy helped us out and clicked a picture of the boys and I.
It was a good game and it looked promising there for awhile.
Of course it is tough when you have many freshman and no bench so we came up short yet again but next year we will have all of these guys(in the gray warm-ups)
plus our freshman who will have Big 12 experience so it should look a little better in the wins category:) After the game we went back to Johnny's to pick up our coats(they have coat check) and the boys got another cookie. We then got our picture taken with Johnny in front of Johnny's.
We had lots of fun and didn't spend a dime, the best kind of day!