We are now done celebrating 5 Christmas's and are back to the routine of school and work. We had a great time visiting with family and I was a little sad to see December come to an end. It was so busy it just flew by and Mommies of young children understand when I say the rest of the winter can be very looooong.
Our first Christmas was with my immediate family, Mom, Dad, my brother Pete and his girlfriend Kim. We celebrated on the 23rd with a soup dinner and opening presents of course. The boys were very excited to see what was in their packages.
Callie didn't care about it too much although once she saw what was in the packages she wanted what ever was in it out and quickly, she was not at all amused by all the ties that tend to hold down kids toys.
We also took a family picture with the help of our camera timer while we were there that night.
Christmas Eve I had to work during the day and Carl took the boys out sledding in the snow with their new sleds from the night before.
Mom and Dad took Callie to their house as we figured she wouldn't be amused with sledding quite yet. When I got off work we went to church and then to Mom and Dads to have supper and play a few games. Callie got a very cute Christmas dress for her birthday so she was all decked out for the night.
After supper and changing into jammies I tortured the kiddos with a 3 in front of the tree picture. Since I never posted Christmas Card Photo Flops this year here are Christmas Eve Photo flops.
This one is pretty cute though.

Christmas morning we got up and let the kids see what was in their stockings and opened presents here.
We then had our traditional Christmas breakfast of cinnamon rolls and hot cocoa and then got ready to head over to my parents again for the Mawdsley Christmas. Grandma, Grandpa, Bone and Dave and the boys all came down for the day and we had lunch and did another round of presents. The boys had lots of fun playing with Bone and Derek.
Tuesday the 28th we got up bright and early for our 4th Christmas adventure. A trip to Minneapolis to the Water Park of America, Mall of America and Ikea. We had to get up there pretty early as we were picking Em up from the airport shortly after 10. She flew in to surprise everyone else for a few days. When we got there the boys were bouncing off the walls wanting to get to the waterpark. We couldn't go in until 4 so the few hours wait was torturous. We killed a little time exchanging just a few gifts between the cousins and Grandma and Grandpa and then we headed down to the water park. Callie stayed napping with Grandma but the boys were off like a shot. They loved the fountains and slides and pretty much everything about the park.
The next morning we again when to the water park and this time took Callie along. She was not so sure at first but once she got used to it she loved going down the slides and walking in the water.
We took both boys down the family tube slide. They were both a little hesitant at first but both ended up liking it a lot. Later that morning we headed to a model railroad museum where Grandpa Matt wanted to show the kiddos the model trains.
The building was a cool old train depot and Carl had to get lots of pictures of the brick detailing.
In the afternoon we headed over to Mall of America where the kiddos each got to pick out a toy from Em for Christmas. Ty got a Cars toy at the Disney store and Gabe held out for the Lego store. What a mob that was but he got some pretty cool Star Wars Legos and we saw some pretty cool Lego creations.
After that we went and got a snack and let the kids ride a few rides in the theme park. Gabe really wanted to go on a roller coaster so he and Carl went on that
and then Gabe and Ty both went on this ride.
I don't think they stopped grinning the whole time. After the rides we had a very very cranky little girl who basically had no nap that day so we went back to the hotel for supper. The next morning the boys all went for a ride on the light rail
and the girls(and Grant) headed to Ikea. Carl redesigned a room in Matt and Nancy's house and helped her to find all the things she needed for it when they got back from their train ride. After a long day in the store for the kiddos we headed for home in the fog. Fortunately we drove out of it eventually. We all had lots of fun!
New Years Day we headed to Council Bluffs to my Aunt and Uncle's house to celebrate Christmas with my Dad's side of the family. The boys had lots of fun playing games we used to play when we were little, Pizza Party and Hungry Hungry Hippos.
It was good to see everyone and visit for awhile.
After all of our traveling it was good to stay home for a day, although we decided to re-do our downstairs coat closet and bathroom(we didn't want to be bored:) Pictures to come when I get them taken. Both are a huge improvement.
We hope everyone had a very blessed Christmas and a wonderful start to the new year!