Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Firsts of the Season

With the warmer weather(almost a little too warm and humid if you ask me) comes lots of firsts of the season. Saturday night we had a fire in our fire pit and made smores. The boys loved them! Ty was not patient enough to let his marshmallow get toasted so his smores were enjoyed one piece at a time. Gabe was the same way last year but this year he actually likes to let his start on fire so we go from one extreme to the other. Nothing says summer like a marshmallow mouth. Monday brought 90 degree temps with humidity to match so we got out the little pool. The water was cold but the boys had fun anyway and even braved it out and sat down in it a few times. Gabe asked me why our pool was so small, guess at almost 5 the baby pool doesn't look so big anymore but he still managed to have fun. Callie is experiencing all kind's of firsts, since this is her first summer season she has lots of cute summer outfits, this is one of them. I know I am a tad big prejudice but seriously this girl could not get any cuter!

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