Ty's preschool class put on a few plays last week. They did 3 Billy Goats Gruff, Goldilocks and the 3 Bears and The 3 Little Pigs. Ty played the part of the baby bear in Goldilocks and the 3 bears. We had heard him practicing his part for a few weeks and were so excited to go see his acting debut. Here he is helping set out the 3 chairs.

Soon it was Ty's turn to say his part, as you can see he is a little animated.

In the above picture he was exclaiming that someone's been eating his porridge and they ate it all gone...wahhhhh(we're pretty sure he ad libed the wahh part but the preschoolers thought it was hilarious and he received quite the crown reaction for his performance) Next someone had been sitting in their chairs(Ty is patiently waiting to say his line)

and at the end of course someone had been sleeping in his bed and she ran away:) I didn't get a very good picture of that part but here they are taking a bow at the end of the play.

After the plays were over we even got to see his class do the infamous crazy dance, he sings that song at home all the time, so much so Callie knows how to do it too.

After this they went back to their classroom to celebrate a birthday and we joined them for a few minutes before it was time to go. At the end of class Callie even got to join them at the carpet, she thought she was pretty big stuff.

It was so much fun to see them perform and they did a great job. Maybe we have an aspiring actor on our hands:)
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