My baby boy turned 1 today! We celebrated by going to the state fair and Hickory Park for supper with Grandma and Grandpa. Before we left we had to get his chair picture of course, I am actually glad this is the last one we have to take for a year because it is getting so hard to get one with him actually sitting or standing still.

Ty was pretty indifferent to the whole state fair experience although he did really like the mini-donuts(he truly is his mothers son:)

Gabe on the other hand thought everything was great. He loved trying his foot long corn dog. He also really enjoyed the mini-donuts.

We went to the varied industries building and got our Cy hats.

Then we found the best entertainment, the lawn mowers and the play equipment. Gabe loved going down the slide on the play equipment and "driving" the mower.

Gabe also really enjoyed the spray fountains in front of the Grandstand. He ran right to them and was soaked but didn't care a bit

. We then took the boys to see the butter cow and the butter Shawn Johnson. The line was long to go by the butter objects so we just looked from a distance. Outside of the Ag building they had the biggest pumpkin contest, as you can see some were pretty big.

Then we made our way to the livestock barns. Gabe loved to look at all the animals and Ty even got into the fun of things by making the baa sound at the sheep. After we had our fill of fair food must haves(Hollie-mini-donuts, pork chop on a stick, and fried cheese curds and Carl-mini-donuts, corn dog, and fried oreos-we also tried the fried pineapple this year but that will NOT be making the favorite list for future years) we headed back up to Ames and met my mom and dad at Hickory Park for supper and to get Ty's birthday sundae. When they brought it out he was mesmerized at the candle on top and then when they started to sing he just kept looking at them in amazement, I'm sure he was wondering why everyone was singing at the restaurant.

He enjoyed several bites of his sundae and then Daddy helped him out. My one year old is now sleeping soundly in his bed after a very long day. I leave with you with some pictures of my sweet baby boy.
Titus Zachary 8-14-07

3 months

6 months

9 months

1 year!
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Ty! Those cheese curds sound really yummy to me right now!!!
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