The countdown has begun to building the tree house. Gabe wakes up everyday and asks how many more days until we get to start. Today he was very excited to learn that it is only 2. All the materials are in the garage.

and the area has been marked for any underground utilities and everyone is just waiting for the fun to begin!

This is a rough picture of what it will look like when it's done.

On another note we were outside playing in the yard and Gabe found a leaf blown off from one of the trees. He started waving it up and down and saying Hosanna Hosanna blessed be the name of the Lord! I caught him action when we came inside:) In the meantime Ty ate this lovely piece of chalk:(actually he ate an orange one I saved this purple one)
Cute! It's great to see little tikes like Gabe learn (and remember) things they are taught at home and at church.
I can't wait to play on the tree house with your boys. Don't forget that!
How Fun! A Tree house!! We have no big trees in our neighborhood:(
Isn't it fun to see them praise the Lord. . so cute :)
how are you feeling?
Oh the things that can make an obese grown man cry. Palm leaf, oak leaf, who cares: HOSANNA! Glad to see Gabe can get as excited for God as a tree house. Thanks for all that you do for us babe.
ps- Emily, we don't have any appropriate trees either, so really it is a pole house. I'll have Hollie get a rendering up.
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