Just a bunch of Iowans on an extended adventure in The Lone Star State.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Super Saturday
We had a busy Saturday this past week. Carl helped some friends build a storage area and work bench in their garage. The kids and I went down to hang out as well. That morning Huxley was having kids activities at the 3 C's center. While the men folk were using their carpentry skills Heather and I took 4 of the 5 kiddos(Callie stayed back to take a nap) to have some fun. Fun has a different definition for many, my little red head kept me on my toes most of the morning. He may have had fun but he was giving me gray hairs. For some reason I would tell him come here, he ran away in the opposite direction, I told him don't climb that, he would climb faster, you get the idea. In the midst of the red headed tornado I did get some cute pics of Gabe, Brady and Bree acting out the 3 little pigs.
They loved it and did a great job. After the 3 C's it was time to take the kids to the much antcipated "poopy party" at Chuck E. Cheese. Ty was promised if he pooped in the potty like a big boy we would get to go to Chuck E. Cheese as a reward, we did this for Gabe as well and that was actually the last time we were there. The boys did great and loved playing the games.
Callie was happy to hang out in the booth with Grandma while I took Gabe around to the games and Ty got to play games with Grandpa(a rather strategic move on my part as I let Ty pick who took him to play games, I knew he would pick Grandpa and after our rather stressful, discipline filled morning I think he was glad to have a break for me too:)
Carl was just happy he had building as an excuse not to have to come. When we got back we hung out at the Krugers for awhile and the guys did end up getting quite a bit done that day. The storage area turned out pretty well and is pretty sturdy too:)
Friday, April 23, 2010
Spring Program and a Birthday in April?
We had Gabe's spring program last night. We had been hearing the songs for months now and we were excited to finally get to see the program in person. Gabe did a good job and we could actually hear him singing a few times:) He didn't yell out this time to say hi to people, although there was still waving and in general being silly. I wasn't able to get any good shots of him during his program because there were many heads in my way and my camera does not do well in dark settings but we did get a couple afterwards with both sets of grandparents that made it out for his concert.
Callie wanted in on the picture action too:)
Today at school they celebrated Gabe's birthday(his birthday is actually June 23) Since there is not school on Gabe's actual birthday they have been celebrating all the summer kids throughout this spring. Gabe's big day was today and he was very excited to take these for his birthday treats(ice cream cone cup cakes).
Thanks to my strong thumbed hubby for piping the very thick frosting on for me:) When Gabe got home he said the kids LOVED them and he had to strike a pose in his birthday crown.
I was just glad the treats mostly survived the drive to school and the rain this morning. Now Gabe is really excited to celebrate his "real" birthday in June!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Veishea, Flowers and Spring Cleaning
This past weekend was gorgeous weather! It was Veishea weekend so despite all the yard work we wanted to accomplish we headed over to campus to watch the candy fest, I mean parade. We put the boys in the wagon and Callie in the stroller and we were off. Carl found both boys in the wagon to be a rather heavy load on the uphills.
While waiting for the parade to start the boy's favorite activity was wrestling with each other and their cousin, Clark.
The wrestling was soon getting a little rough so cookies were a good distraction:) When the parade started the boys enjoyed watching all the things go by and of course getting candy thrown at them. Ty was somewhat afraid of the big balloons for some reason yet wasn't scared of the big horses at all, go figure. Callie watched part of the parade in my lap but did a good job in her stroller.
After the parade we headed home and grilled some lunch at our house and then the yard work began. Carl's dad brought down the stump grinder and chain saw and we saw two old, scraggly bushes removed from the front of the house by the entrance.
The stump grinder worked those stumps out in no time. It took a little longer for this big boy to come out.
We are trying to re-do our front landscaping(well all landscaping but one phase at a time) and this needed to go. We were able to get the stump out and a few plants re-planted thanks to Andrea. We are working now to figure out which plants we want to keep and re-plant so the next day we flagged all the daffodils and tulips, we don't want to lose these pretty flowers.

This weekend is calling for rain so not sure how much we will accomplish but it was great to get the some of the big stuff done.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Love it!
I LOVE....
The Liberty of London Line at Target. I bought this super cute little outfit for Callie a while back
and just splurged a little and bought this new purse for me.
If I actually wore rain boots these would be the ones I would get
and to go along with that this umbrella is pretty cute too:)
making my own baby food. I made squash, sweet potatoes and peas awhile back just using my blender but recently a friend let me borrow this I am so excited to try it out.
Grins and Giggles Oatmeal Baby Wash but I can't find it in Ames anymore:( I am almost out and don't really want to order babywash online but I am considering it.
Dannon Fat Free Greek Yogurt with Granola...yummy
The Liberty of London Line at Target. I bought this super cute little outfit for Callie a while back

and just splurged a little and bought this new purse for me.

Grins and Giggles Oatmeal Baby Wash but I can't find it in Ames anymore:( I am almost out and don't really want to order babywash online but I am considering it.

Dannon Fat Free Greek Yogurt with Granola...yummy

Monday, April 12, 2010
Swings and Bunnies
We took advantage of the nice weather today and took our first walk down to the swings at the end of our street(well first trip with me, I think Daddy has taken them once already) I put Callie in the wagon with her boppy along with Ty.
They did pretty well. Gabe and Ty decided to swing like superman.
Callie loves the swing and is happy just to sit there and let her feet dangle but she also likes to swing.
She gets a big grin on her face and loves going back and forth.
It was getting close to nap time and Ty wanted a turn in the baby swing so he could go higher so I put Callie back in the wagon, that fresh air sure does wear her out:)
All was going wonderfully until I told Gabe to head to his bike so we could walk back, he promptly hops off his swing and into the oncoming swing of his brother who swings into him and knocks him into the rocks. Oops, it was almost an enjoyable time for all:) When we got back we had a treat waiting for us. A lady I work with at Burgies is going to Africa for 6 months this summer through late fall/early winter with Ames High as part of their Uganda Project. She had a fundraiser on Saturday night to help with expenses and as part of the night had a raffle for various desserts and items donated by community members. I won this.
The boys were ecstatic and couldn't wait to hack into the poor bunny. When we got back today the bunny lost it's head.
We did all agree though this bunny tastes good!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Easter Pics
We had a great Easter. Saturday we headed up to the farm and Grandpa Matt's and Grandma Nancy's to visit for the day. The boys were excited to go see Bone and Great Grandma and Grandpa first for a short visit and of course a tractor ride.
Then we headed to Grandpa and Grandmas for lunch and more tractor/mower rides(somehow we forgot to get pics). We had 2 very exhausted boys when we headed home around 7 that night:) Sunday we went to church and then to lunch at my parents house. The boys brought Grandma a bouquet for the table.
We had an Easter egg hunt,
Ty is going to have to get a little faster to keep up with Gabe who liked to steal them just ahead of him(we made him slow up)
The boys enjoyed finding their Easter baskets Grandma had hidden. I tried to get a few pics of them together in their cute Easter clothes but Ty was filthy and it never really does go well trying to get all three looking at the same place at one.
When we got home I gave them each a bunny sucker and again tried a to get a good picture but did end up getting a few cute ones of Callie in the yard.
It was a great weekend and a GREAT church service and such a good reminder that we should celebrate Easter every day not just once a year, In Christ Alone my Hope is Found, HE is my Light, my Strength my Song, This Cornerstone, This Solid Ground, Firm through the Fiercest Drought and Storm!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
6 Months
Wow Callie is a half a year old already(this past Friday)! Time has certainly gone very quickly. At 6 months Callie has 2 teeth and started eating cereal 3 times per day. She now eats breakfast, lunch and dinner and take 3 naps per day. She is happy most all the time and now gives slobbery, wet kisses. She loves her brothers and loves to pull their hair:) Her smile lights up a room and she lights up our lives. She is most definately a beautiful blessing from God. Hard to believe in 6 more months we will be celebrating her 1st birthday! Here is her monthly chair picture(Daddy was there helping to get the big grin, she saves the best ones for him!)
We also got some professional pics taken, here are a few of our favorites.

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