Gabe turned 6 on the 23rd! How is that possible? To me 6 sounds so much older then 5, I don't know why. Maybe it's because he can no longer show us his age on one hand. Maybe because it's beyond that 1-5 age group. Maybe it's because he's my oldest baby and it will always seem as if he shouldn't be aging as fast as he is but at any rate he turned 6 and he was very excited about it! On his birthday he awoke to Iron Man balloons and donuts(his requested birthday breakfast)

We also had a gift for him to open after breakfast.

it was the Action Bible, our old Jesus Storybook Bible has seen it's better day and we had seen this one in the store before and really liked it and knew he would too. It is done like a comic book, the illustrations are very comic booky and even the stories follow comic book style in that the characters have speech bubbles and so forth. He was very excited to read some of his favorites in his new bible.

That morning was spent at our last swimming lesson session, which he passed with flying colors and then a short wait until we could finally go pick his friends up for a small party. We were planning to go to aquatic center but for the first time in 6 years at least it was too cold to go to the pool. We did have a back up plan and went to Perfect Games instead. He and his friends had a good time bowling.

and they each got a game card with a little money on it to play some games in the arcade and after their cards were spent down to nothing they had a great time bouncing in the bounce house. After Perfect Games we went and picked up some pizza and headed to the park.

I had made some cupcakes as well but the wind was not cooperating very well to get the candles lit so we sang happy birthday and Gabe attempted to blow out the one candle we could get to light.

after food he was finally able to open his presents.

and after that there was no more containing these kids to the picnic table they were off like a shot to the playground for a rousing game of Tag. Gabe had so much fun and was sad when it was time to take his friends home for the evening. His birthday celebration continued into the weekend though. Saturday we had his party for our family. Ty had his last Bam Bam game at 12 that day so we invited anyone who wanted to to come down to watch him play. After his game we headed back to my mom and dads new place for his party. Carl grilled some mean burgers and we had lunch. After lunch we sang Happy Birthday and did cake. Being inside he was able to actually blow out his candles this time. Gabe requested a command module splashing down in the ocean for his cake this year(can you say Space Geek, big time!) He is lucky Daddy is a good decorater. I baked the cakes and then we assembled the cake and command module the night before. I think it turned out pretty well(the picture in front is the actual Apollo 11 command module after splash down).

after cake and ice cream he had yet more presents to open up. He got so many neat things. Lots of I can Read books which he really loves right now and some cool clothes and this Lego Space Shuttle.

He also got this bike from my parents. He is not so sure about the whole no training wheels thing and doesn't want you to let go at all when you help him ride. Although when he was riding at the park Carl let go and he went quite a ways before he realized no one was holding on.

After presents were opened we all walked down to the park that is just down the street from Mom and Dads. Even Uncle Bone had fun on the swings.

Sunday we finally finished off the birthday celebration weekend with a trip to Hickory Park for the annual birthday sundae.

and the very last treat a trip to the theater to see Cars 2 with us and Grandpa Tim and Grandma Mel. He loved it(so did the rest of us) Thanks to Danielle for keeping Callie for us so we could all go! Gabe had a great birthday! Thanks so much to all our friends and family who sent cards and were able to come to celebrate with us. We are very blessed!

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