Well just when I was getting used to the idea of having a Kindergartner, preschool starts for Ty! We visited his classroom yesterday and he was not wanting me to come with, he wanted to go by himself. He was very excited that today he was going to school and Mommy was only dropping him off. Here is my preschooler.

and does anyone have any doubt about what is on Ty's backpack....if you were thinking Lightning McQueen of course you were right.

and of course if one gets their picture taken then everyone wants to join in! Callie insisted on bringing her ackack(backpack...well bag) too.

We got to school and the drop off area is very busy so we didn't get a chance to get any pictures at school but my red head was grinning from ear to ear. He was so excited to start school. Callie and I spent a quiet morning running a few errands(wow so much easier with 1 child) and then coming home and getting some stuff done. When we picked up Ty he was so excited to tell us all about what he got to do at school today. 1st thing being that he got to ride a blue scooter. I had a few tears after I dropped him off this morning and I just can't help but think of him as my cute little red headed baby still. Seriously he shouldn't be big enough to be going to preschool yet. I prayed for him often this morning and was so glad when he said he had a great day. Our red headed monster is growing up:)