Our little red headed bundle of energy turned 4 on Sunday! How did that happen? We had celebrated a little bit already with the trip to Adventureland and the annual trip to Hickory Park for the birthday sundae but today was the big day. When Ty got up in the morning he was greeted with a Lightning McQueen balloon and his breakfast request of waffles.

After blowing out his candles we began preparations for his big birthday party at lunch time. We got all of our stuff around and headed over to Grandma and Grandpas to get ready. Since we had just gotten back from Minneapolis and had a big day at Adventureland Friday we decided to go less complicated on the cake this time. We did cupcakes.

After we had lunch we went ahead and did cake. Ty loved to blow out the candles again.

After cookies we had a very anxious birthday boy who was ready to open presents so we did that next.

He received so many cool toys and clothes, he was very excited with all of his presents. After presents we decided to burn some energy and walk down the park. Ty got a Captain America shield from Uncle Pete and Kim that he really enjoyed shooting at them!

Kim got him back though.

We had lots of fun at his party and were blessed to have our family join us to celebrate Ty's big day! After everyone had left we gathered all of our things and took stuff home. We decided it was such a nice night that we would get a 5$ pizza and do a pizza picnic in the park. Gabe just learned how to ride a bike with no training wheels while we were in Minneapolis and has been wanting to take it on a bike trail since he learned. Ty inherited Gabe's old bike and after fixing the seat and the training wheels he was anxious to try out his "new" bike too. Here are some pictures from along our route.

and of course I had to take the opportunity to take an impormptu photo shoot of the cheesy little girl. Oh well her shirt had cheeto stains on it from the party and her hair was a mess...it still turned out kinda cute.

and we decided on a whim to try out a family picture on the bridge with our timer. It actually turned out pretty well!

and of course we ended the day with the traditional picture in the big chair. We do it monthly until they kids turn 1 and then yearly until they turn 5. Here is Ty's 4 year chair picture.

Oh my red headed monster, you are funny, determined, fiesty and sweet all at the same time. We love you for your unique personality and your sweet(when you want to be) demeanor. You have grown so much over the past year and we love that you love people and your brother and sister. We love that you get a super high pitched squeaky voice when you get excited and we love to hear you pray and have a love of going to church and learning about Jesus. We were blessed to have been given the honor of being your parents 4 years ago. We love you so much!

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