I should have been prepared. After all he went to Early Kindergarten last year and I was used to him being gone half days. I found I wasn't really prepared though. I found myself feeling moments of sadness that my baby was going to Kindergarten(he hates being called my baby, he is a boy not a baby, I keep explaining that he will be my baby as long as he lives, even when he's as big as daddy but he doesn't seem to think that is the case:) I just kept thinking that this is the start of it all. Busier evenings with activities, homework, etc. etc. Crazy to think that my chubby cheeked little sweetheart will be gone all day all week long. Gabe however had no sadness, no moments of reflection on his short 6 year life. He was ready to go! Here is my Kindergartner all ready for his first day of school.

and I tried to get him to look back at me so we could see his back pack but it didn't work out super well.

and of course little brother and sister couldn't be left out of the picture fun so here they all are together.

We are car pooling with some friends this year. I am taking the kids to school and she is picking them up. It worked out well since starting next week I will have to take Ty to preschool anyway. Here is Gabe and his friend Colin outside their school.

I was just thinking this morning that I feel like I'm going to blink and I will be teary leaving my 1st born at college. Time really does move quickly. I pray that God will watch over Gabe today and look forward to hearing all about his first day when he gets home!

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