Just a bunch of Iowans on an extended adventure in The Lone Star State.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Busy Busy Busy and the Sickies
Friday, May 23, 2008
Photo Friday
We have a busy weekend coming up so thought I would share some pictures from the past week since I most likely won't be on all weekend. Tomorrow we have a wedding in the Quad Cities, Heather and Mike generously offered to take Gabe with them to the zoo since Curious George and Super Why are going to be there for IPTV Kids Day, he is very excited. Mom and Dad are keeping Ty and then will get Gabe after the zoo. We didn't think a 3 hour car ride and then sitting for a wedding and reception and then a 3 hour car ride home would be a real fun thing for the boys so they are staying here. Sunday we are going to celebrate our nephew, Clark's first birthday and we have a BBQ for our connection group that night and Monday as of now we are planning on working on the fireplace wall(maybe Carl has been extremely busy with work so he may just want some down time) A Happy Memorial Day weekend to everyone!

Thursday, May 22, 2008
All About Me?
So I don't normally write a post all about me so this is a little strange for me but Steph tagged me so I guess I'll do it.
I am…shy
I want…to get our house finished so I don't have to look at the ugly wall anymore:)
I wish…I could predict when my kids would wake up from nap so I could know if I have time to do just that one last thing before they wake up.
I hate…snakes and anything that crawls with more then 4 legs
I miss…sleeping in
I fear…my kids, Carl or I getting sick...yuck
I feel…relaxed at the moment, both kids are napping and the house is picked up, life is good
I hear…the dishwasher running
I smell…nothing my nose is stuffed up for the bizzillionth week in a row.
I crave…jomocha shakes from Burgies yum:)
I search…google for random news stories and interesting facts
I wonder…what it would be like to have a girl around here
I regret…many bad choices with money
I love…my husband and my kids
I ache…after raking out my flower beds, man you use muscles you never thought you had.
I care…for my boys
I always…am up for hanging out with friends and family
I am not…artistic
I believe…that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
I dance…to ring around the rosie a lot.
I sing... Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star at least 3 times a day.
I cry…at sad movies
I don’t always...make my bed
I fight…with Gabe consistently on not going outside without shoes
I write…my blog
I never…enjoy it when the boys wake up from nap early
I listen…to my itunes
I need…to fold clothes and put them away
I am happy…when I get to spend time with my family and watch my boys play with their daddy.
Okay so now I am supposed to tag someone else so Heather you're up.
I am…shy
I want…to get our house finished so I don't have to look at the ugly wall anymore:)
I wish…I could predict when my kids would wake up from nap so I could know if I have time to do just that one last thing before they wake up.
I hate…snakes and anything that crawls with more then 4 legs
I miss…sleeping in
I fear…my kids, Carl or I getting sick...yuck
I feel…relaxed at the moment, both kids are napping and the house is picked up, life is good
I hear…the dishwasher running
I smell…nothing my nose is stuffed up for the bizzillionth week in a row.
I crave…jomocha shakes from Burgies yum:)
I search…google for random news stories and interesting facts
I wonder…what it would be like to have a girl around here
I regret…many bad choices with money
I love…my husband and my kids
I ache…after raking out my flower beds, man you use muscles you never thought you had.
I care…for my boys
I always…am up for hanging out with friends and family
I am not…artistic
I believe…that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
I dance…to ring around the rosie a lot.
I sing... Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star at least 3 times a day.
I cry…at sad movies
I don’t always...make my bed
I fight…with Gabe consistently on not going outside without shoes
I write…my blog
I never…enjoy it when the boys wake up from nap early
I listen…to my itunes
I need…to fold clothes and put them away
I am happy…when I get to spend time with my family and watch my boys play with their daddy.
Okay so now I am supposed to tag someone else so Heather you're up.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Tuesday Troubles part Doo
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Tuesday Troubles
Wow what a day, my boys must have decided that today was going to be the day to cause all kinds of trouble around here. It started off the same as always we come down stairs and eat breakfast well after breakfast Ty decided to crawl over to the bookcase and start to pull books down, there is also a cord he really likes over there as well so he was playing with that, Gabe being the excellent example of good behavior that he is decided to join him. Once the books were put back on the shelf and Ty put bac
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
9 months!
That is how old Ty is today! We had his 9 month check up this morning complete with 2 shots in the leg, at least it wasn't 4 like the last few times and he didn't have to have the nasty oral rotovirus vaccine so those were positives. Ty weighed in at 18 lbs. 8 oz. and was 27 inches long. He was just over the 25th percentile for both height and weight. I was a little concerned since at his 6 month appt. he was just below the 50th for both, but the Dr. assured me that it is pretty common that between 6 and 9 months they slow down quite a bit since they eat more table food and drink less formula (less calories) and they start to move around a lot more. I am just not used to having a small baby as Gabe was in the 90th percentile for weight until he hit a yea
r old:) Everything else checked out great and the dr. got a kick out of Ty's facial expressions and he even growled at him with a sneer to ma
tch. Ty's favorite thing to do is bite things, He pulls himself up on your step between the kitchen and living room and likes to bite the step and then last night he was standing against the couch and was biting the back of the couch, in his defense I am pretty certain he is getting at least one tooth on the bottom as his gum looks all bloody like a tooth is getting ready to pop through at any moment. Getting a monthly picture is getting increasingly more difficult as Ty does not like to sit still, this morning he was moving all over the place, trying to pull himself up and crawl forward and then his brother decided to help out too! I think I got at least one good for the baby book.

Gabe is loving the warmer weather with trips to the park, stroller rides and playing in the back yard. He is anxiously awaiting a trip up to the farm to ride that tractors now that it is spring. The house is kind of at a stand still right now as Carl is pretty busy at work. The fireplace wall has looked like this for the past few weeks with no finish date in sight as of now.
We did manage to finally decide on paint colors for the outside of the house and hopefully before the dog days of summer we will be able to get that done(although maybe it won't be that warm this summer, if the cool spring is any indicator) We are loving our neighborhood right now as all the college kids are gone for summer, it is so quiet around here and there are places to park on the street! I'm sure the end of August will come before you know it but then we have some tailgating to look forward to, save the date for any home weekend, we will probably be having some tailgates at our place(let's hope it is done by then
Gabe is loving the warmer weather with trips to the park, stroller rides and playing in the back yard. He is anxiously awaiting a trip up to the farm to ride that tractors now that it is spring. The house is kind of at a stand still right now as Carl is pretty busy at work. The fireplace wall has looked like this for the past few weeks with no finish date in sight as of now.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day all you Mom's! We have had a busy mothers day around here. Ty was dedicated at church today so we had some family over for that.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Caught in the Act
This morning I was in the kitchen and heard Ty's laughter coming from the living room. I peeked out the door and there was Gabe tickling him with his head. I quickly grabbed the camera and got a little of it on video. Ty laughs harder at Gabe then anyone else it is so much fun to see them interact with each other. Gabe got a little out of hand towards the end when he rammed his head a little too hard into Ty's tummy, gentle is just not a concept Gabe is super good at yet. On another Gabe note- Last night we went to see the movie Expelled while Mom watched the boys. When we got out of the movie it was a downpour, the storm sewers were backing up the streets and sidewalks looked like rivers, it was crazy and we had to run back to the car a block and a half away, we were soaked. When we got back to mom and dad's Gabe was very tired and rather crabby and wasn't liking all the rain and thunder and crying a little. Carl called him over and was talking to him about how it was okay it was just rain and thunder nothing to be scared of, he asked him if he was getting wet, Gabe said yes, so Carl asked him where he was wet and he said in my eye's, darn rain anyway:)
Monday, May 5, 2008
Walks, Wind and Sunburns
We had a busy weekend around here. Saturday morning our family participated in the March for Babies in Des Moines. It was very cold and windy at first but as we walked into the trees it got a little better and almost warm. We only had one minor mishap when Carl decided to go off-roading in our brand new stroller, hit a big stick and basically went head over heals over top of the stroller, turning the kids upside down in the process, not to worry everyone was fine but it scared Gabe just a little bit but Ty just sat there and looked around, he didn't realize anything ha
Friday, May 2, 2008
the title says it all. We have had a busy week so I am glad the weekend soon approaches. Ty is learning new little tricks all the time, like somehow getting underneath his highchair and not being able to get out. He also loves Gabe's car for outside he can stand behind the wheel and look out at everything. He hasn't quite figured out what to do when it moves though. Our big magnolia
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